The trend of online gaming is getting increased all over the world. People are earning money by playing games.

Most of the young kids have made it the source of income. They play online games with random players all over the world and get money in return.

But sometimes, the gamers from various regions are restricted to take part in an online game, so they have to change their address and enter the information of that country.

Due to such issues, most users try to hide their identity on an online platform. They enter fake information that they get from random address generators and enter bogus details.

Here we will discuss some important things due to which gamers use fake address generators and keep themselves away from such frauds.

But before it, we will briefly discuss the random address generator and its’ work.

What is a random address generator?

These are online AI-based tools that use an algorithm to generate the information of the user with details.

When the users select a country in these tools, they get information of a random person that includes name, address, credit card number, and other information like this.

You can enter those details in the information box and show yourself a citizen of that specific country.

Let’s dive deep and talk about the features of these online tools that people get while generating fake information.

  • Provide fake name:

These online tools provide the fake name of a person of that region that you can use to change the identity and use those online names.

So, users can easily play online games by hiding their identity and using a fake name.

  • Fake address:

With the name, you can also have a bogus address that you can add in the details and show yourself the citizen of that country.

Nobody will visit your place as proof, so you can add that information there and make your work easy.

  • Credit card details:

While playing online games, you are asked to pay for them or get free trials. Here you have to put the credit card details to continue the procedure.

Users can get the details of a fake credit card that they can add in the section of the card information. So, they show balance in the amount and make their information authentic.

  • WIFI details:

Users can enter the wi-fi details there while playing the game. So, if any hacker is trying to dodge you and want to loot, he may have the wrong information.

Other uses of fake address generators:

Cybercrimes are increasing every new day so people avoid showing their identity on an online platform. They use fake information while using the tools and apps to keep themselves safe.

People are asked to add the account number after getting multiple offers but when they add the credit card information, they end up losing all the money.

Random address generator can be quite helpful for them in this regard. These online tools can be used to hide the identity, test online apps, get free trials, and many others.

Address Generator
Address Generator

They provide fake information about a person that is authentic and can be used on every platform. 

Is it legal to use fake addresses?

The simple answer is YES. You can use this tool and its details for multiple purposes and it is totally legal to use unless you are using it for positive purposes.

But if you start to hide the identity to dodge people and make fraud, you may get penalized over it by the government.


So, it is essential to use this technology for positive reasons only otherwise it may hurt you in the end.

Final Lines:

To get free trials for online games and hide your identity at various platforms, you can use the online fake information generators.

These AI-based tools work on an advanced algorithm to generate fake information for users so they can keep themselves away from online mishaps.

Users can get all the basic and authentic information that is needed to avail of advanced features from an online game.


Hello, I am an SEO expert and digital marketer, with more than 3 years of experience.

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