To set up Burpsuite with Firefox, you will first need to download the CA certificates which you can download from the Burpsuite site. Once you have the CA certificate stored in your local drive you can then move to the burger menu of the Firefox browser. From there navigate through Preference > Privacy > Certificates > View Certificates > Authorities Tab > Import.

Once in the dialogue box, find and select the Burp CA certificate downloaded previously then hit Open. Confirm and restart the browser to complete the setup and get started. Burpsuite is an Application Level Proxy that allows you to intercept and manipulate browser requests. It is a must for any Web Application Pentester.

Burp Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) traffic with bespoke certificates. Burp’s Root Certificate Authority has signed all these certificates (CA). Burp creates its own root CA, which must be put in the browser or operating system’s certificate store in order to be correctly recognized. Otherwise, browsers may provide warnings, and certain heavy client apps will reject these certificates, resulting in an error like this.

When you access an HTTPS website with Burp. The Proxy automatically produces a TLS certificate for each host which is further signed by its own Certificate Authority (CA) certificate on how to set up burpsuite with Firefox. This CA certificate is created and kept locally the first time Burp is started. Burp’s CA certificate must be installed as a trusted root in your browser to work correctly with HTTPS websites.

How To Install Burp Suite Certificate In Firefox In 8 Easy Steps?

Ready to know, how to set up Burpsuite with Firefox? Ensure that the proxy listener is active and that you have set up your browser to interact with Burp before attempting to install Burp’s CA certificate.

Note: If you previously installed a different Burp-generated CA certificate, you should uninstall it before installing a new one.

Mentioned below are the steps to install the CA certificate of Burp Suite on the Firefox browser:

  1. In Firefox, navigate to http://burpsuite while Burp is running. You should be sent to a page titled “Welcome to Burp Suite Professional. how to set up burpsuite with Firefox” If it does not happen, go to the proxy troubleshooting page. You may be directed there automatically depending on the problem causing the error.
  2. To download your unique Burp CA certificate, click CA Certificate in the top-right corner of the page. Make a note of where you store this.
  3. Open the burger menu in Firefox and choose Preferences or Options.
  4. Open the Privacy and Security settings from the left-hand navigation bar.
  5. You will need to scroll down to the section where “Certificates” is written and select the View Certificates option under it.
  6. Go to the Authorities tab and click Import in the window that appears. Select the previously downloaded Burp CA certificate and click Open.
  7. You will be prompted to modify the trust settings. When you see the dialog box choose the option “This certificate may identify websites” and click OK.
  8. Firefox should be closed and restarted. Try browsing to any HTTPS URL while Burp is still active. You must now be able to access the page without encountering any security warnings(if you haven’t caused an error).

Finally, Burp’s CA Certificate has been successfully installed in the Firefox browser. Congratulations, now you successfully know the answer to how to set up Burpsuite with Firefox!

How To Remove the CA Certificate Of Burp Suite From Firefox

Return to the View Certificates> Authorities window and choose PortSwigger CA to delete Burp’s CA certificate from Firefox. Then, select Delete or Distrust, followed by selecting OK. To confirm the changes, close and restart the browser- Firefox.


1. What Is Burp Suite?

Burp, often known as the Burp Suite, is a series of web application penetration testing tools. It is created by Portswigger, which is also the alias of its originator, Dafydd Stuttard. BurpSuite promises to be an all-in-one tool set, and one may expand its capabilities by adding add-ons known as BApps. Burp Suite is an extremely popular tool among professional web application security researchers and bug bounty hunters.

2. How Do I Export A Burp Certificate?

You may use Burp to export the certificate directly if you have disabled the online interface. This feature also allows you to export the certificate and private key for use in other apps.

  • Navigate to Proxy > Options in Burp.
  • Look for a button labeled Import/export CA certificate at the top of the page under Proxy Listeners. You should be aware that you can re-generate the certificate.
  • When you click the button, you will be able to utilize the wizard to export Burp’s root CA. At this point, we simply require the certificate (and not the private key).
  • Choose Certificate in DER format as the top export option.
  • Next, choose the file by clicking on it.
  • Choose a filename and location for the certificate now.
  • Then click Next and finally Close.

3. How Do I Point the Browser To Burp Proxy?

In some scenarios, using Burp Proxy may provide unexpected results. You should only use Burp Proxy against non-production systems unless you are comfortable with its functioning and settings on how to set up Burpsuite with Firefox.

Burp Proxy accesses the target application in combination with Burp’s browser. Navigate to the section Proxy > Intercept tab and click Open Browser to load Burp’s browser. A new browser session will be launched, with all traffic immediately proxied by Burp. You can even use it to test HTTPS.

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